The Buyer


See our 8 step process for buyers.

Our 8 Step
Buying Process

Meet in Person and Create a Wishlist

Let's get to know each other! Once you're ready to work with us, we'll have a Buyer Consultation to focus your search and identify your wants and needs in a home.


We'll introduce you to our mortgage partner, who will help determine your buying price range with confidence. Be prepared to provide documents like pay stubs, W-2s, and tax returns. The lender will conduct a full review and let you know what you can borrow to purchase a home. This is a crucial step in the home-buying process!

Listing Alerts Based on Your Criteria

We take the time to understand your circumstances—whether you're moving for a job, want a shorter commute, are getting married, having a baby, or need to upgrade or downsize. We’ll send you notifications about listings that match your criteria. Let us know if any catch your eye so we can schedule a viewing.

Schedule Viewings and Attend Open Houses

This is where the process gets really fun! We'll visit local open houses together and schedule viewings of the homes you liked from our alerts. We'll discuss how each fits your budget and ensure we find your perfect home.

Find the Perfect Home and Write an Offer

When you're ready to make an offer, your agent will present a written offer to the seller. If the seller counters or rejects the offer, we’ll guide you through each scenario and the best way to handle it. Once the offer is accepted, it's time to secure your financing and move to the next step!

Acceptance, Appraisal, and Inspection

With your offer accepted, the home will undergo an appraisal and inspection. The appraisal confirms the property's price aligns with its condition, while the inspection ensures everything is functioning properly with no major issues. These are the final steps before you receive the keys to your new home!

Time to Close and Get the Keys

Get excited—it's time to close on your home! This involves reviewing and signing all the final paperwork. Remember to bring all documents collected throughout the process and your down payment.

Celebrate! 🥂

Congratulations! It's time to celebrate your new home.

By following these steps, we aim to make your home-buying journey as smooth and enjoyable as possible.


Whether you’re curious about the real estate market, how long the process takes, or have a simple question.